Ceremony Info

The Tustana – Tustin East Girl Scout Highest Awards Ceremony celebrates the achievements of our local Girl Scouts.

We will be presenting:

  • Girl Scout Gold Awards
  • Girl Scout Silver Awards

We will be recognizing:

  • Girl Scout Bronze Award recipients
  • 10 Year Pin Girl Recipients
  • Graduating High School Seniors

Date: Saturday, May 18, 2024 from 4:00 – 6:00pm

Location: Trinity United Presbyterian Church in Munzing Hall; 13992 Prospect, Santa Ana.
Click here for a site map of the Trinity campus.

Volunteers Needed

An event as special and meaningful as our Highest Awards Ceremony takes so many helping hands to make it happen. We need every troop to participating in the event to provide at least one volunteer for this event. Some roles can be completed weeks before the event and others are needed the day of. Please click here to explore our volunteer opportunities.


Click here for contact information.