Seller Information

Make sure your troop is registered and have submitted what you are selling for the Holiday Bazaar by 11/28.

For all seller questions, please contact Angela Barker, Seller Liaison. Please include “seller question” in the subject to quicken the reply.

Items submitted for sale as of 11/20/23

This is a non-profit activity, which means you should only recoup your costs, including the cost to attend the event. Prices cannot exceed $3.00. Please try to make things that are affordable throughout the 25¢ to $3.00 price range for girls to purchase. See the bottom of the page to figure out how to price your items.

If you are planning to sell items at the bazaar, please adhere to the tradition of having all items girl made. Adults can suggest and guide, but the majority of the work must be done by the girls!

Sellers should anticipate providing their own table, chairs and tablecloths. Maximum table length is 6’.

What items to make: We always get questions what to make. Look at our photo gallery of what has been made in year’s past (be aware selling rules have changed over the years.) If you’ve been before, think about what items are not sold very much. Items for dads, brothers and even pets are not sold as frequently and always in HIGH DEMAND. Please make sure you package your items so they will safely get home in a shopper’s bag.

Regarding food sales: At your troop’s Main Selling Table: All food included in items being sold must still be in the original manufacturer’s packaging. If candy is sold, it must be used as a component of the final item. Example: using candy canes to create a sleigh, etc… Candy must also be in original packaging.

Selling food at a Snack Booth: Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops selling at a snack booth must have an approved money earning opportunity form on file with their SU Manager.

Snack Booth Troops can sell both packaged, purchased, and homemade food items such as chips, cookies, drinks, donuts, etc… Please await confirmation from the committee before purchasing your food items. We are trying to make sure each snack booth has unique items.

Note: No power cords or open flames of any kind (camp stove, sterno, etc) will be allowed anywhere at the bazaar. This applies to displays at your main table as well as snack booth sales. Please keep this restriction in mind as you plan your snack sales. No popcorn or snow cones please.

Please read our continuously updated FAQ’s

How to Determine What to Charge for an Item

All pricing examples below were based on a max price of $2.75. The general concepts still work the same even though we have raised the max price to $3.00.